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Our Programs

Adult Basic Education

Our ABE program helps adults (men and women aged 16 and older) learn how to read and write proficiently. Our volunteer tutors work one-on-one with students to help them achieve their literacy goals. This program privileges functional over academic literacy. Outcomes may be holistic (improving general reading skills; building vocabulary) or more specific (obtaining a driver license, registering to vote, filling out a job application, understanding instructions on an Rx).

General Education Development

Our GED program prepares students to pass the General Equivalency Exam. Students receive instruction and academic support one-on-one and in small groups. All students are evaluated upon registration, and volunteer tutors develop individualized learning plans that meet students where they are.

English For Speakers of Other Languages

MCLC offers English classes in Ocala and Marion County to native speakers of languages other than English. We serve students from over 20 countries who range in ability from basic literacy to advanced grammar and pronunciation.

Other Services

In addition to our three core literacy programs, we offer workshops and classes in United States citizenship, computer literacy, financial literacy, health literacy, college and career coaching, and Spanish language. Contact us to learn more.

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