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Student Spotlight!

At the Literacy Council, we appreciate our students and their dedication to every study session. To show our love for their efforts and hard work, the “student spotlights” are installments on certain people who help us define what our programs truly mean. In this spotlight, Roosevelt Anderson emphasizes his optimism on life and the core skills that he has gained from his classes.

Roosevelt Anderson

Where there is resilient optimism, there is Roosevelt Anderson. A student at the Marion County Literacy Council, Roosevelt enrolled himself in classes to obtain his GED diploma. In the span of his hours spent studying core skills such as reading, math, and science, Roosevelt has found a deeper meaning that delves beyond the books. “Right now I’m on the winning end of life,” Roosevelt says, “because you can’t lose if you’re trying.” The student wholly embraces every subject but prefers mathematical equations that bring sense to his restructured life. Roosevelt has not been in a learning environment for over thirty years and, though the position was a difficult adjustment at first, he emphasizes the importance of studying outside of the sessions. Roosevelt appreciates the instruction of his tutors as “the push is what he needs.” In a matter of one year, Roosevelt has improved his reading and math skills by two grade levels, boosting his confidence for the GED examination. Alongside his determination to obtain a degree that he did not have the opportunity to finish at a younger age, Roosevelt works full-time, sets aside important hours for his family, and devotes weekly time at the Literacy Council. Though life dealt him unavoidable cards that once veered away from education, Roosevelt enters each session knowing that he is one step closer to greater opportunities.

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